Studies have repeatedly shown a clear link between
one’s diet and mental health.
A deficiency in even one key nutrient can impact brain function and mood.
The World Health Organization estimates depression, anxiety and stress leads to a staggering 12 billion lost workdays globally each year, costing a whopping US$1 trillion in lost productivity.
Can we change this narrative? For starters, organizations can offer emotional health resources, promote a healthy work-life balance, and encourage open communication on mental health issues in the workplace. However, we often forget one thing... what we eat has a significant impact on how we think, how we feel, and how productive we are.
Incorporating brain-friendly foods into your daily routine can support mental health, improve focus, and lower anxiety and stress significantly. With a unique workplace wellness program that prioritizes nutrition, employers can see a positive transformation in the moods and productivity of their employees.
Decision-makers in an organization often look to studies and reports prior to making changes. We have listed some key findings on ROI, productivity loss, and absenteeism that will help clarify the impact of mental health on an establishment’s finances.
The brain is a complex organ. It needs a mix of 50+ nutrients for it to function optimally. Ensure you add these brain-friendly foods to your grocery list!
Unfortunately, the modern-day diet has more omega-6s (found in corn and soybean oil) than omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-6s compete with omega-3s and take up more space in the cells.
To maintain the optimal ratio of Omega 3 to 6’s, one should regularly consume fatty fish (salmon, sardines), walnuts, and flaxseeds.
The connection between food and mood is undeniable. So, what can we do to create a work environment that fosters mental well-being and peak performance? There are several approaches to consider:
Want to see your business grow? Invest in your employees. Prioritize their emotional and physical health. Establish a comprehensive workplace wellness program that prioritizes nutrition to achieve improved emotional health, increased energy and productivity. You can make a futuristic decision to elevate your organization’s bottom line.