It's a New Beginning

It's a New Beginning

Did you make the same New Year’s Resolution last year; to lose weight and get healthy? Start goal setting today to achieve your desired results.

This year make good on your resolution to lose weight.

It's time to get serious. How much have you struggled the past few months with... work/ rest/ homelife/ responsibilities/ celebrating/ NOT celebrating COVID/ eating +++

Promise me you'll not be too hard on yourself, and you'll get back to the basics=the FOOD Value.

What does Food Value Mean?

The basic concept implies the term "empty calories". ALL those calories in the cakes, chips, candy, cookies, hot dogs, chocolate bars etc. which provides you little or no nutrition or food value.

How is Food Value Measured?

The value is the health benefits you receive from your positive food choices vs. the empty calories.

Good Nutrition = Good Nutrients
Choose food with:
MORE vitamins and minerals, fiber, antioxidants, plant-based
LESS processed/packaged foods, saturated/trans fats, red meat

You Have a Choice!

If you want to feel healthy and energized, choose good nutrition. ACE Nutrition can help with a tailor-made plan that clarifies meals, snacks and portion sizes.

Often it is our feelings and emotions that get in the way, The food cravings sabotage us particularly when we are trying to manage our stress. Learning strategies to curb your cravings is one of the most important ways to control emotional eating.

Menu Planning is Key to Good Food Choices

My top tips are to schedule time each week to create your menu. Don't put pressure on yourself to plan for the whole week at once, maybe planning 3-4 days ahead is more suitable for you. Also, when you cook, plan to cook extra. That way you can build your next meals with the leftovers.

Check out "The Joy of Good Nutrition" on Facebook for some nutritious and easy 15 minute cooking demos.

Every Meal Counts

We don’t say “every meal counts” to make you feel guilty, but to remind you that your body will respond positively and feel good when you eat well.

Small indulgences are part of a healthy eating plan. Indulgences are strongly encouraged, in moderate portion sizes, once or twice a week.

If you have been overly indulgent for a day or two, remember that every meal is a new opportunity to make better choices and to get back on track. Do not wait for Monday to restart.

Make sure to eat breakfast, lunch and supper (and snacks as required). Plan to have something from each of the food groups every meal. This includes a grain, fruit and vegetables, and protein. Remember this golden rule when meal planning.

#weightloss #NewYearResolution #lose weight #goals #health #nutrition #diet #goal setting #self care #wellness #food value #nutrients #meal planning #menu #stress #stress eating
“ Achieving My Goal is Possible “
Michelle Deschenes really made me feel like achieving my goals is possible. Michelle gave me lots of encouragement, information and tips. Her approach is not about deprivation, but more about finding a healthy balance, which I loved.
~ Maria B.
“ I am Excited to Work with ACE Nutrition “
Michelle Deschenes is a wealth of information about nutrition and health. Michelle provided me with helpful resources and information to help support my journey towards achieving my goal. I am excited to be working with her!
~ Diane N.
“ It is Fabulous “
I just signed up and completed the 6 lessons of the online course (Nutrition for Life) at my own pace on the weekend. It is fabulous! So much information on many levels.
~ Catherine B., College Instructor
“ Surprisingly Easy Weight Loss Process “
Michelle brings a wealth of information along with energy and enthusiasm in helping her clients achieve their goals. The best part for me has been how surprisingly easy the weight loss process has been after years of struggling on my own.
~ William K.
“ I Got the Energy I Needed “
As I approach retirement age many younger people ask me how I get my energy. Michelle has taught me good nutrition from real food to get the energy I need. Now I am so sick of hearing others say "I cannot eat these carbs", when I know better.
~ Linda U.
“ I Shed a Great Deal of Weight “
Michelle Deschenes helped me shed a great deal of weight. Encouraged me to cook more healthy foods and kept me motivated.
~ Sherri P.
“ I’ve had Great Success “
I’ve been working with Michelle for a few months now, with great success. You’ll achieve results, and learn food strategies that you will carry with you long after your program is complete.
~ Karen O.
“ Smart Choices Without Deprivation “
Michelle Deschenes gave me so much material to help me make smart choices without deprivation. I appreciate that she enjoys real food and being healthy.
~ Tina C.
“ ACE Nutrition is Always Encouraging “
Michelle Deschenes is always encouraging and teaching that with small steps I can reach my goals. I have learned that if I eat for nutrition and wellbeing, weight loss will follow. It is somewhat of a trust exercise: stop depriving yourself and eat well instead. Thanks for helping me.
~ Tanie S.